STN 323: AMA – Ask Us Anything!

This whole show is devoted to your questions! Richard and Sarah have been podcasting for almost 8 years, and in that time we’ve gained new listeners and shared many, many stories. So now it’s time to turn the show over to you and your questions. Thanks to the Skywalkers in our Facebook Group, we had many questions to choose from. Perhaps you haven’t heard how we met. Or how we work and live together so well (or not!). This is your chance to find out more about us. Here are some of the questions we answer:
- Alan Sanborn: How did you two meet and did you both share a common interest in Star Wars and in all things Disney before you met?
- Rex Gordon: Do you think Galaxy’s Edge should’ve been based on the more recognizable Mos Eisley?
- Cary Gordon: Do you guys have any fandoms you love that the other one is not a fan of.
- Bryn MacKinnon: What are the best, worst and surprising parts of working and sharing fandoms with your spouse?
- John Zancanaro: What do you do for work besides your podcasting?
- Chickaphant: If you could live in any of the universes that you’ve a fan of, which one would it be and what occupation would you have?
Links and Pictures we talk about:
- Richard and Sarah’s Engagement Shoot at Disneyland – Full Album. Here’s a few previews:
- Avengers on Tour Bus with James Corden with 27 million views!!! Check out 9:08 to see Richard as Thor
- Three Fandoms Giveaway on YouTube: check this post to enter.
- Digital Giveaway of Pixar’s SOUL: @skywalkingpod instagram
Also on this episode:
- Join us for Pop Culture Trivia every Friday night at 6:30pm PT – livestreaming on Please subscribe to get the notifications when we go live!
- Falcon and The Winter Soldier Zoom Chats every Friday at 7:45pm PT – anyone can join, just sign up for the Skywalking Newsletter for the link! The audio of these chats and previous WandaVision Zoom Chats are available as podcast episodes for the Skywalking Force, our Patreon. Check it out and have a look at all the levels available.
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Check out these SKYwalking NETwork Podcasts:
- Resilience Squadron – Sharing the adventures and challenges of disabled fans across and in the Star Wars universe
- Classic Marvel Star Wars Comics – Delving into each issue of the Star Wars comic series 1977-1986
- The Max EFX Podcast – Chronicling the 35-year Special Effects film career of Max Cervantes
- Neverland Clubhouse – Two sisters, and best friends, sharing Disney adventures
- Talking Apes – focusing on the original Planet of the Apes films and TV shows
- Totally Tell Me Everything – Two ladies, one topic, three questions. Sarah Woloski and Bryn MacKinnon learn, share and grow.
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Never Land on Alderaan!