Dracarys: Game of Thrones Season 8 Ep. 1-5 – S&S #2

Welcome Jedi and Wizards to episode 2 of Sabers and Spells. On this episode, we journey to the magical land of Westeros and check out Game Of Thrones Season 8.
In this episode, we take a deep dive into the first 5 episodes of the final season of Game of Thrones.
This episode is longer than most of the episodes will be moving forward. This was due to the fact that we had so much content to cover. If you have seen these episodes you know what we mean!
Teresa and Christy go through each of the 5 episodes pointing out the things we liked and the things we did not. They also highlight some of the moments we feel have really done the series justice while also discussing the areas that have been weaker. In addition, they look at the character development and deaths of some of our favorite characters and speculate on what might happen to those still living. Do traditional Zombie rules apply to the land of the 7 kingdoms?
If you are only interested in our opinions on certain episodes please check out the chapters for this show (if your podcatcher supports this feature). The show is separated into chapters for ease of listening.
Both of us have been watching the show for years and we know that not everything we want to happen will happen however we are still hopeful as we head into the last episode and also maybe a little confused…
Who do you think will sit on the Iron Throne?
What have you thought of Game of Thrones season 8?
Tweet at us we want to know!
So Sit back relax and solemnly swear you are up to no good! Enjoy!
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Christy Morris Twitter and Instagram: @bespinbelle
Teresa Delgado Twitter and Instagram: @icecoldpenguin
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