Episode 18: In A Plastic Galaxy Far Far Away…
Was there ever a better time for first generation Star Wars fans as when we were lost for hours recreating scenes with our action figures and playsets? These toys shaped our childhood and made ever-lasting friendships. Back in the day where we didn’t think twice about ripping open original 12 back action figures… (which now sell for thousands on ebay).
30+ plus years later, director Brian Stillman puts his heart and soul into Plastic Galaxy: The Story Of Star Wars Toys, a ‘docu-fan film’ that takes you through a journey as he looks at these iconic toys. Plastic Galaxy showcases Steven Sansweet, John Booth (author of Collect All 21) and many more collectors with great in-sight into the Kenner toy line. Ex-Kenner designers and toy makers show us never used toy concepts. Fascinating!
Then we talk to Shawn Crosby, (Obi-Shawn to most) about customizing toys that Kenner never made. He tells us about almost working for Kenner and his most heart-warming Star Wars collectible.
We skywalk through The Little Mermaid Annual Passholder Sing-Along at Disneyland! In our Countdown segment we talk about the new Star Wars: Rebels characters Kanan and Ezra. And as we wait for Celebration Anaheim we show you a surprise clip from Star Wars 10th Anniversary Convention (or as we call it Celebration 0).
(Did they really just say, “The Force Goes With Us” in that Landspeeder commercial?)
Our Guests
Brian Stillman, director of Plastic Galaxy, The Story of Star Wars Toys
Shawn “Obi-Shawn” Crosby of Docking Bay 94
STN Correspondent Joey Pittman
Our friend Denise Power
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