Episode 91: Disney Infinity 3.0 – STAR WARS
It’s here! Disney Infinity 3.0 officially launched, and the CUTEST Star Wars figures are hitting retailer shelves. Sarah, especially, has been obsessing for months, and now she can FINALLY talk about it on the show. So listen, maybe learn some things, and see how Star Wars has been integrated into one of the most entertaining games in the industry right now. Ahsoka riding a taun-taun while carrying a baby bantha? You’ve come to the right place.(14:16)
Skywalkers Amy and Joel Anderson took a trip with their family to the “Star Wars And The Power of Costume” exhibit at the EMP Museum in Seattle, WA. They give us an awesome overview of the exhibit and the rest of the museum, which you should definitely check out before October 4th, when the Star Wars exhibit closes. (1:00:10)
Also on this episode:
- Things We Want To Share
- Secret Cinema in London – Immersive Star Wars Experience (5:11)
- Ashley Eckstein on at episode of That 70’s Show! (10:18)
- Skywalker Shout-Outs (50:27)
- Skywalker of the Week (50:27)
- Giveaways and Upcoming Meet-Ups (54:40)
9/3/15: Moderating DK Publishing’s FORCE FRIDAY Book Tour Kick-off with Star Wars authors! San Diego, CA Event Details
11/16/15: Avengers Half Marathon Weekend Meet-Up at Downtown Disney. Anaheim, CA Event Details
12/30/15: Let’s watch THE FORCE AWAKENS together at Downtown Disney in Anaheim! Event Details
1/16/16: Star Wars Half Marathon Birthday Meet-Up at Downtown Disney! Anaheim, CA Event Details
4/14-4/17/2016: Star Wars Half Marathon Meet-up at Walt Disney World!
Skywalking Through Neverland T-Shirts at TeePublic! Check them out HERE.
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