Podcast Stage Show! – Star Wars Celebration Orlando: Skywalking Through 40 Years of Your Fandom
SWCO Podcast Stage Show – Skywalking Through 40 Years of Your Fandom
Celebrate 40 years of your fandom with Skywalking Through Neverland on the Podcast Stage! At this interactive stage show we had a slideshow presentation with pictures depicting different moments in Star Wars fandom, from 1977 to 2017. We asked for those present if they had any stories, and several came up to share.
Celebrate 40 years of your fandom with Skywalking Through Neverland on the Podcast Stage! At this interactive stage show we had a slideshow presentation with pictures depicting different moments in Star Wars fandom, from 1977 to 2017. We asked for those present if they had any stories, and several came up to share.
Randy Martinez (Star Wars Artist) joined us for a mini-segment of Classic Marvel Star Wars Comics. He lent his artistic expertise to Comic Book Cover #14, as well as an ad that didn’t look quite right.

In Things We Want To Share, Dave Parfitt (Adventures By Daddy) joined us to showcase Give Kids The World, a charity you can still donate to right now, right here.
We finished off the show with a tribute to Carrie Fisher – all the kids came up on stage and sang “Celebrate the Love” – the Life Day song Princes Leia sings in the Star Wars Holiday Special.

All in all, this was a special event, we had over a hundred people join us for the Live Show. We had the 7:30pm Saturday time slot – the last show of the night, so we took a bit longer than one hour! I recommend you watch the show on YouTube above! Enjoy.
5/4/17: May the 4th with DK – Tricia Barr, Cole Horton and Adam Bray
September 17-22, 2017: Skywalking HALLOWEEN ON THE HIGH SEAS Disney Cruise! To get more info, email Randy Crane at cruise@storiesofthemegic.com to get a free, no obligation quote. You’re not committing to anything, just getting information with that request. In the Comments section mention “Skywalking Through Neverland” so Randy Crane knows you want to be part of our group.
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