Episode 10 Audio Only: R2 Builder Victor Franco, Long Beach Comic-Con & A Rapping C-3P0


R2-D2 Builder’s Club member Victor Franco! He tells us about R2’s red carpet strolls, his starring commercials and the way he came to the rescue at our wedding; also what he thinks about the recent news of J.J. Abrams using a fan-made R2-D2 from the R2 Builders Club. Star Wars Episode VII continues the trend of fans being tapped to work on beloved franchises.

Several cosplayers and fans talk to us at Long Beach Comic-Con last weekend. Does the world need this many Loki’s? Answer: Apparently. And for the first time ever we get to hear a rapping C-3PO and a beat-boxing R2-D2 in our Vintage Video segment.

Our Guests:

Victor Franco and his R2-D2 Building Diary

Cosplayer Bill Jackson, aka Loki Hates You

Cosplayer Avery Faeth, aka Avery Faeth Cosplay

 Richard’s Wedding Proposal to Sarah — March 9, 2008

Richard and Sarah’s Proposal – Skywalking Through Neverland

R2-D2 saves the day, and brings the ring! Mary Poppins and Bert join in the festivities. Best Star Wars/Disney Proposal under the twin suns! To hear the Behind The Scenes story and making of R2-D2 by Victor Franco, listen here: http://skywalkingthroughneverland.com/enhanced-r2-builder-victor-franco-long-beach-comic-con-rapping-c3p0/

Our Star Wars/Disney Wedding Highlights — October 25, 2009:

Skywalking Through Neverland: Wedding Highlights

Richard and Sarah’s Star Wars/Disney Wedding 2009. Stormtroopers invade the ceremony, R2-D2 and C-3P0 are the ring-bearers, and our signature drink is the Supercalifragilisticexpialidoscious!

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