256: Haunted Mansion Turns 50!

It’s the 50th Anniversary of Disneyland’s Haunted Mansion!
Welcome Foolish Skywalkers to our 50th Anniversary Celebration of Disneyland’s HAUNTED MANSION! This episode features Haunted Mansion aficionado and author Jeff Baham (Mousetalgia / Doombuggies.com) joining us for a discussion on this famous attraction and his fandom. We also discuss the special “Soiree from Regions Beyond” event he co-hosted in a Haunted Mansion celebration.
We also speak with our good friend and 501st member, Marcus Dohring and Lisa Daniel (Disney Parks Live Entertainment) about their adventures at Galaxy’s Edge at Disney’s Hollywood Studios in Florida.
In Things We Want To Share, we discuss the crowd levels in Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge and Bob Iger’s comments on the subject. This turned into a heated discussion with several comments from all of you Skywalkers who tuned in to our live recording.
NEW Galaxy’s Edge YouTube Video
Check out these SKYwalking NETwork shows:
- Sabers & Spells – a Geek Pop Culture Podcast
- The Culture POPCast – Interview-based Pop Culture Podcast
Small World Vacations
Small World Vacations is an official sponsor of Skywalking Through Neverland. Small World Vacations is a Diamond Level Authorized Disney Vacation planner travel agency helping guests plan special Disney Vacations for over 20 years! Their agents are your best resource for Disney Vacation discounts, news and, most importantly, Galaxy’s Edge updates. Best of all, their Magical vacation-planning Service is free of charge. Contact them for a no obligation price quote at www.smallworldvacations.com. Tell them Skywalking Through Neverland sent you.
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