Episode 9 Audio Only: Poppins, Proposals and Pryor
Have a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious-ly good time with a double dose of Poppins when we review the upcoming Saving Mr. Banks and attend a screening of Mary Poppins at Disney’s El Capitan Theatre in Hollywood. We catch up with super-fans Christina Groom and Anthony Hamedl. They take us through their runDisney experiences and reminisce about the time Christina barely slowed down long enough so Anthony could propose. Author Lisa Dawn talks Once Upon A Time, working as a 3D artist and the pros and cons of today’s mermaids. Wuhrer, Ackmena and Richard Pryor – What do these names have in common? Check out Skywalking Through Neverland this week and find out!
Special Guests:
Lisa Dawn – Find her books here.
Death Bites, by Christina Groom and Anthony Hamedl.
Our “Slave Leia Joins The Party” video in honor of Star Wars Celebration VI:
Slave Leia Joins The Party: Star Wars Celebration Video Contest Entry
Slave Leia is getting ready for Star Wars Celebration VI! She wants to join the party 🙂 Hope to see you all real soon! ~Richard and Sarah Woloski p.s. This is our video submission for the Star Wars Celebration “Join The Party” Video Contest.