Episode 96: The Trick-or-Treat SPOOKTACULAR Podcast Crossover
Our Trick-Or-Treat SPOOKTACULAR Podcast Crossover Contest begins! Listen in for all the details. (10:54)
Ever wonder who invented those Jack-In-The-Box and Disney antenna balls? What it takes to market a multi-million dollar Star Wars: Episode I fast-food merchandise campaign? We talk with the marketing genius behind it all, Pat Pattison, who has worked on campaigns from Star Wars to Disney. Fascinating stories! (19:05)
We also talk Halloween memories with our friend from down under, Adam O’Brien of Jogcast Radio. (1:01:06) And we have an update from Ric Peralta of LiningUp.net about where fans in Hollywood will be lining up – TCL Chinese Theatre or Disney’s El Capitan?? (1:23:21)
Also on this episode:
- Things We Want To Share
- Mickey’s Halloween Party with Tricia Barr & B.J. Priester. (3:15)
- Star Wars Reads Day (8:00)
- Skywalker Shout-Outs (57:21)
- Skywalker of the Week (57:21)
- Skywalking On TV (1:21:59)
11/14/15: Avengers Half Marathon Weekend Meet-Up at Downtown Disney. Anaheim, CA Event Details
11/16/15: Season Of The Force – Waiting In Line For Hyperspace Mountain Meet-Up. Anaheim, CA
12/30/15: Let’s watch THE FORCE AWAKENS together at Downtown Disney in Anaheim! Event Details
1/16/16: Star Wars Half Marathon Birthday Meet-Up at Downtown Disney! Anaheim, CA Event Details
4/14-4/17/2016: Star Wars Half Marathon Meet-up at Walt Disney World!
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