Star Warsologies 25: Adoption in Star Wars
In this latest episode of Star Warsologies, we talk about all adoption in Star Wars!
From the Skywalker twins going to separate homes as children, to Mandalorian Din Djarin taking on baby Grogu as a foundling, Star Wars is full of adoption tales and styles. In honor of November being National Adoption Awareness Month, we examine the world of adoption and family in the galaxy far, far away. Our guest expert Carrie Goldman, author of the award-winning blog “Portrait of an Adoption” and the Jazzy’s Quest books, chats with us about how adoption plays a pivotal role in Star Wars and family dynamics.
In Star Warsologies, hosts James Floyd and Melissa Miller combine their love of Star Wars with their keen interest in all things academic by asking experts about how their field is represented in a galaxy far, far away. It’s a monthly podcast about science and Star Wars!
Carrie Goldman shows off her books at San Diego Comic-Con
Carrie Goldman and her adopted daughter showing off their homemade R2-D2 cake.
Or listen on YouTube with relevant screen shots and photos!
Show Links
- Carrie Goldman’s website
- Her books:
- BULLIED: What Every Parent, Teacher, and Kid Needs To Know About Ending the Cycle of Fear
- Jazzy’s Quest: Adopted and Amazing
- Jazzy’s Quest: What Matters Most
- Jazzy’s Quest: Camp to Belong
- National Adoption Awareness Month
- Follow Carrie Goldman @CarrieMGoldman on Twitter!
- Portrait of an Adoption Facebook page
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