Star Wars Resistance FlyBy – “The Recruit”
Introducing an ALL NEW PODCAST: Star Wars Resistance Flyby! We buzz through each of the 22 episodes of the new animated Disney Channel/XD Series, Star Wars Resistance. This includes our first thoughts, Easter eggs, any questions and a much-requested musical breakdown! Check out our first episode and let us know what you think.

Welcome to our NEW Star Wars Resistance Recap Review Show – RESISTANCE FLYBY. Richard and I (Sarah) will buzz through each of the 22 episodes of the new animated Disney Channel/XD Series, Star Wars Resistance. This includes our first thoughts, Easter eggs, any questions and a much-requested musical breakdown!
Like most new Disney shows, our first Flyby is a two-parter – first, we discuss and hear clips from the Resistance Roundtable both Richard and I attended, representing JediNews and Fangirls Going Rogue respectively. We were able to be a part of an intimate roundtable in which we asked questions of the voice actors and executive producers of Star Wars Resistance. These included Christopher Sean (Kazuda Zee-ono), Donald Faison (Hype Fazon), Bobby Moynihan (Orka), Suzie McGrath (Tam Rivora), and EPs Athena Portillo, Justin Ridge, Brandon Auman.
Resistance Roundtable Quotes
When Lucasfilm came calling they said ‘We want you to play this goofy, charismatic guy’; and I was like, ‘hey that’s me! I get to just be me??’ Kaz is old enough to know what’s wrong, but young enough to still make the mistake.
Christopher Sean (Kaz)
Suzie McGrath plays Tam, the confident, tough mechanic of Team Fireball.
Tam aspires to be a pilot. She is very hard-working and she left her home planet of Kuat to be a famous racer and fell on some hard times. Crashed her plane and found herself on Colossus.
Suzie McGrath (Tam)
Donald Faison
The name ‘Fazon” will live forever in Star Wars lore!!! It’s great to be on a show period, but the fact that it’s a Star Wars show means everything to me. And the fact that they created a character with my name, means EVERYTHING.
Donald Faison (Hype Fazon)
Jim Rash plays Flix. We are a bit of a duo. We work at the Colossus at the platform which is like a galactic truck stop, if you will. It’s like the floating cantina. All the Star Wars you’ve seen before is about the Force. This is a whole brand new dense universe that feels very lived in.
Bobby Moynihan (Orka)
“The Recruit”
Next, we get into the series premiere: “The Recruit, part 1” and “The Recruit, part 2”. All Wings Report In and let us know what you thought!
Fly-BYE for now, Skywalkers.
Links we Recommend or Reference:
- Sarah’s Resistance Roundtable write-up on Fangirls Going Rogue
- Richard’s Resistance Roundtable write-up on JediNews
- Episode Guide
Star Wars Resistance Press Roundtable
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