In this episode of Star Warsologies, we talk space travel with a NASA project support specialist!

At San Diego Comic-Con, James struck up a conversation with Johnathan Brendle at the NASA exhibit booth and he agreed to come on the podcast! We cover tons of space travel questions, including: What are hyperspace tunnels (purgill holes maybe?)? Do you need headlights in space? Is the Death Star basically a microwave?

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Follow Johnny on TikTok and Instagram!

Learn more about NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center and some of the projects Johnny mentioned, like the Solar Dynamics Observatory, Solar System Exploration.

If you’re interested in working at NASA, check out their internship and fellowship programs, or search USA Jobs for positions at NASA.

You can pre-order James’s crossword puzzle book now! For a free puzzle, download the activity kit from Star Wars Reads!

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Star Warsologies is a podcast about science in a galaxy far, far away. Hosts James Floyd and Melissa Miller combine their love of storytelling in the franchise with their keen interest in all things academic.

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