485: Here They Come…The Monkee Men!
Hey Hey, it’s The Monkee Men! We are thrilled to speak with Ron McNeil who created this Monkees tribute band as well as Frankee Mendonca who perfectly embodies the role of Davy Jones. We just saw them in concert and it was like watching a lost episode of The Monkees TV show. Ron and Frankee give us a peek behind the curtain and tell us what it takes to put together this show that takes its parts from the TV series and their beloved music. This is as close to having the actual Monkees (circa 1966) as we can get and they do not disappoint! Many thanks to Bryna Dambrowski for setting up this interview.
Today in Star Wars History – 9/30/2010
Verizon Wireless releases the highly anticipated limited edition DROID R2-D2 by Motorola. The phone was available for $249 after a $100 mail-in rebate with a new two-year customer agreement.
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