Disney+ News and Debut Round-up (2/5/21)
Read on for more news and everything streaming this week on Disney+.
This Week on Disney+ for Friday, February 5
Disney+ Original Series or Premieres
WandaVision – Episode 5: “On A Very Special Episode…”
Vision begins to see the cracks in his reality and confronts Wanda about them. The SWORD team launches an era-appropriate drone into Westview and Wanda returns it to them. Meanwhile, Billy and Tommy learn something about life and death when they get a new dog.
New to Streaming on Disney+
These series and films are not Disney+ Originals, but they will begin streaming on February 5 unless otherwise noted.
- Disney My Music Story: Yoshiki
- Disney Upside-Down Magic – This is the Disney+ premiere of a new Disney Channel movie that Courtney and Kelly reviewed on the Neverland Clubhouse Podcast! Check out their review here.
- Wicked Tuna: Outer Banks – s7
I’m a Disney+ Junkie and Want More!!!
- 502: Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man – Compare/Contrast to 1960’s Comic
- YOUR FRIENDLY NEIGHBORHOOD SPIDER-MAN Review: Your 1960’s Comic Brought to Life
- 500: SKELETON CREW Finale Compare/Contrast
- 494: SKELETON CREW Breakdown with Mike Celestino
- SKELETON CREW Review & Behind-the-Scenes Fun Facts