Virtual Trick-or-Treating 2020 – Submit Here
The ultimate Halloween experience of 2020 and you can be part of it through your own video clips!!
Trick-or-Treating is not recommended this Halloween, but no one said anything about VIRTUAL Trick-or-treating! Your doorbell rings but who, or what, will answer? What lies behind your front door? Will you be terrifying, silly, weird, nostalgic, snarky, funny, evil? Will you give a treat or a trick? It’s all up to you, be creative! Imagine the calories you’ll be saving this year.
Here are some examples:
Send in your video clip(s) of up to a minute each and we will edit them all together for tons of Halloween fun! Include your family, your pets, or just you. Your video can be as high-tech or homemade as you want it. Submit by Oct. 21, 2020 for an October 27th release on YouTube.
Here’s how YOU can be a part of Virtual Trick-or-Treating 2020:
1. Read the Guidelines below and enter via this Google Form
2. Join our Skywalking Network Slack group chat where you can ask questions or collaborate virtually with other participants
3. Shoot video horizontal 16:9 in the best quality you can
4. Send in your video by October 21 to be considered for the final cut. SUBMIT FINISHED VIDEO HERE
5. The Final Cut of Virtual Trick-or-Treating 2020 will be revealed on October 27th on YouTube.
Guidelines (the fine print) for Virtual Trick-or-Treating 2020 Submission
We request that you make your scene…
Up to 60 seconds
- This is your time to be creative! Do not include 3rd party brands or content. Please do not include footage that does not belong to you.
- We reserve the right to edit your submission down to fit within the whole. Not all submissions may be included.
- Your video can be as high-tech or homemade as you want it.
Please DO NOT put a musical soundtrack on your submission.
HD and Horizontal 16:9
- Join our dedicated Skywalking Network Slack, the #trick-or-treat channel, if you want to ask questions or chat with other scene-makers. Perhaps collaborate!
Upload your completed video(s) here.
Air Date: VIRTUAL TRICK-OR-TREATING 2020 will debut on Skywalking Through Neverland YouTube Channel on Oct 27th, 2020.
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