Toy Story 4 on Skywalking Through Neverland

To Infinity and…TOY STORY 4! We get into a fun review and discussion of this final(??) installment in the Toy Story saga that began in 1995. Where were you in ‘95? Sarah was in middle school and Richard had already graduated college. Along with TOY STORY 4, we also talk our favorite and first vintage toys, including Evil Knieval and MEGO Batman toys.

TOY STORY 4 has lots of awesome characters, Easter eggs and music – this is a spoiler-filled discussion so make sure you’ve seen the film before tuning in. Bryn MacKinnon (Window To The Magic) shares her thoughts on the film as well, and brings a mom’s perspective.

Skywalking To Batuu

As of this recording we’ve logged a total of 5 visits to Galaxy’s Edge, and are excited to share more stories with you, and more videos! Here’s a few of our latest videos, with more to come. Teresa Delgado (Fangirls Going Rogue / Sabers & Spells) joined us to build her own droid!

Galaxy’s Edge Build-A-Droid Series: Building a BB Unit at the Droid Depot

Welcome to a series of Build-A-Droid Videos at the Droid Depot in Galaxy’s Edge! Our friend, amazing podcaster Teresa Delgado (Fangirls Going Rogue / Disney Vault Talk / Sabers and Spells), created a beautiful purple BB droid (BB-T19), and we detail everything.

Galaxy’s Edge Build-A-Droid Series: Interacting and Waking Up a BB Droid

Welcome to our next Droid Depot video – this one features BB-T19 interacting with Galaxy’s Edge. Did your droid fall asleep when you got home? Here’s how to wake up a BB Droid. Our friend, amazing podcaster Teresa Delgado (Fangirls Going Rogue / Disney Vault Talk / Sabers and Spells) is featured in this video.

Galaxy’ Edge 101: Everything You Need to Know About Background and Story

Welcome to Galaxy’s Edge 101 – everything you need to know about Disney’s newest theme park addition. Are you feeling overwhelmed by visiting Galaxy’s Edge because you haven’t followed each Star Wars film, TV show, video game, novel and numerous comic series? Don’t worry, you don’t have to have prior knowledge before you go.

The Peralta family shares their trip report to Galaxy’s Edge.

Beginning June 24th, Galaxy’s Edge will be open to the public subject to capacity. This is when Boarding Passes will go into effect. There’s NEW NEWS regarding how to make reservations for Oga’s Cantina and Savi’s Build-Your-Own-Lightsaber Workshop, so tune in and find out.

Things We Want To Share

Star Wars Celebration tickets on sale now! We share what we’re looking forward to most.

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Small World Vacations

Small World Vacations is an official sponsor of Skywalking Through Neverland. Small World Vacations is a Diamond Level Authorized Disney Vacation planner travel agency helping guests plan special Disney Vacations for over 20 years! Their agents are your best resource for Disney Vacation discounts, news and, most importantly, Galaxy’s Edge updates. Best of all, their Magical vacation-planning Service is free of charge. Contact them for a no obligation price quote at Tell them Skywalking Through Neverland sent you.


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Never Land on Alderaan!

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