It’s Halloween, and have we got a treat for you – Oscar Winning editor on Star Wars – Paul Hirsch! This legendary Hollywood editor has also worked on a few other films you may have seen, including The Empire Strikes Back, Carrie, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, Planes Train and Automobiles, Mission Impossible, Mission Impossible – Ghost Protocol, Ray, Footloose and so many more! His NEW book, A Long Time Ago in a Cutting Room Far, Far Away is available for preorder.

Also on this episode, we answer this question: If you were to go trick or treating in the Star Wars, Disney or Marvel Universes, and you could only pick 3 houses, or castles, or caves, or space stations to visit, what would they be? 

Listen Now to Paul Hirsch

Upcoming Meet-Ups and Events

Sunday, Nov 10th at 6pm – we will take a pic in front of the Falcon, then ride Smuggler’s Run. Worked great at WDW, so let’s do it again!

Sunday, Nov 29th at 5:30pm – Panel at LosCon – Paul Hirsch, My Fifty Years of Hollywood Editing

Skywalking YouTube: Halloween Videos

Knott’s Scary Farm 2019 with Puppet Up!, New Mazes & More: Skywalking YouTube

We braved the Halloween mazes at Knott’s Scary Farm with the iPhone 11 Pro! We received the phone earlier that day, so this footage is the first time we were able to play with the amazing camera on this new iPhone. Every year we enjoy Knott’s Scary Farm – the oldest theme park haunt in SoCal history.

Disney’s Halloween Parties on both Coasts!

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