303: Live from the Space Stage – A HALYX Story!


In the summer of ‘81, Disneyland featured a band that mashed up KISS and Star Wars that sang about “Jailbait”! It was called HALYX,

What is HALYX?

In the summer of ‘81, Disneyland featured a band that mashed up KISS and Star Wars that sang about “Jailbait”! It was called HALYX, formed by Disney Record execs to play at the Space Stage in Tomorrowland and hopefully capture a bone fide record deal. On this episode, we speak with Matthew Serrano, the director of the documentary, Live From the Space Stage: A Halyx Story. You can watch the documentary right here on YouTube:

Disneyland’s Forgotten Sci-Fi Rock Band – Live From the Space Stage (Full Documentary)

Limited Edition Merchandise: https://defunctland.com/store Send a Thank You to the Director: PayPal: matthewgserrano, https://bit.ly/2COIjky Venmo: Matthew_Serrano, https://bit.ly/2CJFSzx Listen to the Soundtrack: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYs2IQqMgJSn-_XI0GPltsGIN0-2IgD_T https://album.link/i/1531006184 For one glorious summer, an experimental, sci-fi band rocked Disneyland’s space stage. With a bass-playing Wookie and an acrobatic frog, the band’s existence is nearly unbelievable, and the story behind its creation is just as incredible.

This fascinating piece of Disney history lives on in the DeFunctland YouTube Channel. Matthew also directed the mini documentary, Remain Seated Please about two guys and their passion for boldly going where no guest had gone before – backstage of the EPCOT attraction Horizons. We encourage you to watch this as well:

Remain Seated Please – A Hoot and Chief Story

Narrated by Lance Ethan Reyes Animation sequences – Tyler Novak Music – Horizons Soundtrack (Owned by Disney) I Can Feel it Coming Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Hidden Agenda Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Footage and Photos courtesy of – https://mesaverdetimes.blogspot.com/?m=1 Party scene at the end from: youtube.com/darksideofdisney Oh yeah and Disney too.

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