Star Warsologies 40: “Andor: Making a Rebel, Making a Rebellion” panel from San Diego Comic-Con 2023


Star Warsologies presents their San Diego Comic-Con panel “Andor: Making a Rebel, Making a Rebellion” with a psychologist, sci-fi author, writing instructor, and more.

At the 2023 San Diego Comic-Con, Star Warsologies presented the panel “Andor: Making a Rebel, Making a Rebellion”. We examined what makes a person want to resist or even rebel, the dangers of the Empire and fighting it, and some of our favorite characters: Cassian Andor, Mon Mothma, Maarva Andor, and Luthen Rael. Is Cassian a rebel from the start, or does he come late to the game? How does hope play the spark in rebellion? What words might we heed from Kino Loy and Karis Nemik?

The YouTube version of the episode has the slides from the presentation, so check it out if you’d like!

Panel description:

The Star Wars series Andor speaks powerfully to today’s audience about fighting oppression. Examining the first season of the Disney+ series, we will explore the motivations and actions of Cassian Andor, Mon Mothma, Luthen Rael and other characters as they put it all on the line to resist and rebel against the Empire. What type of people are drawn to stand up to tyranny? How do individual dissenters start forming movements? When can you fight inside the system, and when do you have to fight from the outside? Why does this show resonate so well at this time? Panelists include Robert A. Dagnall (MA candidate in Rhetoric and Writing Studies / instructor, SDSU), J. Dianne Dotson (sci-fi and fantasy author, producer, science writer, biologist), Dr. Drea Letamendi (psychologist at UCLA, host of the Arkham Sessions podcast), Desmond Hassing (lecturer of American Indian Studies, SDSU), Jake Rowlett (PhD candidate, SDSU/UCSB). Moderated by James Floyd (STEAMpop Network, Star Warsologies podcast, Star Wars Insider contributor). Join us as we tackle the nature of the fight to restore freedom to the galaxy.

Featuring panelists:

  • Desmond Hassing runs the site Comic Book Indians (, a reference guide of comic book representations of Native Americans, Alaska Natives, and Pacific Islanders from the 1930s to 1970s.
  • Desmond Hassing runs the site Comic Book Indians (, a reference guide of comic book representations of Native Americans, Alaska Natives, and Pacific Islanders from the 1930s to 1970s.

Thanks to everyone who came to the panel at San Diego Comic-Con and especially those who asked such great questions afterward! We were glad to have the room at capacity but bummed to have to turn away so many people who waited in line for our panel.

In Star Warsologies, hosts James Floyd and Melissa Miller combine their love of Star Wars with their keen interest in all things academic by asking experts about how their field is represented in a galaxy far, far away. It’s a monthly podcast about science and other fields of knowledge and Star Wars!

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