Skywalking To TechnoRetro Dads with SPOILERS


TechnoRetro Dads

Richard and I met JediShua at STAR WARS WEEKENDS 2014 at the RebelForce Radio Meet-Up. Ever since we’ve been listening to each other’s podcasts, until that fateful day when Richard listened to their Episode BEFORE he saw GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY.

Unfortunately, in that Episode JediShua and shazbazzar SPOILED the Tag, which didn’t seem like a big deal to them. But to Richard, it was the worst spoiler ever and opened a whole can of worms, and a whole Podcast discussion!

8/24/2014 – TechoRetro Dads: SPOILER WARS

Click Here to Listen.

On a side note – I think the picture is an AWESOME design by JediShua 🙂


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