“Star Wars Who’s Who in the Galaxy” Provides Clear Information to Younger Fans

Star Wars Who's Who in the Galaxy Book cover

Looking for a new Star Wars book that’s great for younglings? Ella Patrick’s Star Wars Who’s Who in the Galaxy: Character Storybook releases on July 16th, just in time for summer reading.

Star Wars Who’s Who in the Galaxy: Character Storybook provides simple and straightforward introductions to key characters and species found in Star Wars episodes I-VIII. Interspersed amongst these characters are a handful of key scenes from each movie to either introduce key moments from the movies to young fans or to remind them what took place in these movies.

Characters and species are described from Episode II alongside a scene from the movie

For each movie, the reader is introduced to anywhere from 12-16 characters or species for episodes I-VI and 18 characters each for episodes VII-VIII, while there are 5-8 scenes featured from each of episodes I-VII and eleven scenes from episode VIII.

Each of the characters and species are described in 2-3 sentences, with the scenes receiving a similar amount of verbiage.

Characters and groups of characters are described from Episode VIII alongside a scene from the movie

My five-year old daughter has taken greatly to this book, recognizing certain key characters, such as BB-8, C-3PO, Rey, Kylo Ren, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and R2-D2, although some more obscure characters still remain foreign to her, such as Grand Moff Tarkin or General Hux. She has clamored for it every night for her tuck-in time and, despite not having a great familiarity yet with all eight of these movies, she has grown in her knowledge of these characters. (She actually has now developed an interest in books involving Star Wars characters, beyond what this book offers.)

Characters and species are described from Episode IV alongside a scene from the movie

In addition to my five-year old daughter taking a liking to this book, my three-year old son has begun to develop an interest, as well. Although these two children are not able to read the book themselves, they’ve already gained a greater familiarity with our beloved Star Wars cinematic universe through this book.

Published by Disney-Lucasfilm Press, Ella Patrick’s Star Wars Who’s Who in the Galaxy: Character Storybook hits bookshelves July 16 and is available for purchase.

Disclosure: Review copies were provided to Skywalking Through Neverland.

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