308: The Good, The Bad, The Mandalorian
Celebrate Halloween with us! We share thoughts on some of the most compelling Halloween questions from our childhoods and beyond.

Chapter 9: The Marshal
This episode is a smorgasbord of comments and thoughts from you and us about The Mandalorian S2E1: The Marshal. Din (F105 Music) joins us as we give our thoughts, go over Easter Eggs and debate if Dank Farrick is the new “I have Spoken!” We recorded this episode live, so we have several Skywalkers weighing in with their thoughts, as well as great comments from our Facebook Group discussion. And yes there are plenty of spoilers ahead!
The last several episodes lead up to Halloween because we wanted it to feel special this year, virtually. So we discuss our Halloween 2020, and also premiere a brand new video: Virtual Trick Or Treat 2020! Several Skywalkers shared creative ways of trick-or-treating, and Richard Woloski compiled them in a spectacular celebration of this Halloween tradition:
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