Episode 23: I’ll Take Steve Sansweet For $2,000!
No fan-focused podcast is complete until you talk to Mr. Stephen Sansweet. He is the figurehead of Star Wars fandom (and recent Jeopardy answer). We were thrilled beyond belief to talk to Steve this week about what’s currently going on at Rancho Obi-Wan, his Nonprofit Public Benefit corporation. It’s also a huge converted chicken coop warehouse where he showcases 37 years of Star Wars collecting from around the world.
We talk about his recently opened eBay store, his fundraising events and some questions that have been weighing on Richard since the release of the first line of Star Wars action figures in 1978. If you have not been up to northern California to see Steve at Rancho Obi-Wan, then make it a must. We were up there not too long ago and words cannot describe the tour we were given by Steve. (And to sweeten the deal, you are served Pepperidge Farm Star Wars cookies at the end.)
We are hoping many of you saw and voted for Billy Dee Williams this week on Dancing With The Stars. If you didn’t see it, we hope you still voted! But don’t worry, we give you the highlights with sound bytes from the show. Lando may have made a “little maneuver at the battle of Taanab” but how did he maneuver on the dance floor?
“It’s time to play the music, it’s time to light the lights,” it’s time to talk to Skywalking Through Neverland’s resident Muppet aficionado, Mark Oguschewitz! We prepare ourselves for the new movie, Muppets Most Wanted, by talking about the history of Jim Henson’s phenomenal creation and our own personal Muppet experiences. We reminisce about seeing Kermit The Frog get his Star on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame, growing up with the Muppet Babies and attending Jim Henson’s funeral in New York City back in 1990.
All of this and MUCH more. And remember, never land on Alderaan!
Our Guests
Steve Sansweet – Star Wars Author and creator of Rancho Obi-Wan
Mark Oguschewitz – Skywalking Through Neverland movie consultant and film editor
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Hello Skywalking through Neverland,
Please find in this link the Behind the scenes video of the “Happy” ( We are from Tatooine) the parody ! http://youtu.be/0ZK1mtpR7M4
also you can find pictures in our facebook page https://www.facebook.com/StarWarsTunisia
P.S : I’m the director of the video !
Greetings from Tatooine ( Tunisia ), Hope that all the fans around the world will join us here
Best regards
Thank you for writing in! I have Liked your Facebook Page, of course, and shared it on our own Skywalking Through Neverland FB Page. Awesome job and thank you so much for reaching out to us!