Episode 44: The Music of Disneyland with David Collins
David Collins is back! The Tiki Tiki Tiki Room, The Main Street Electrical Parade, it’s a small world – these are just a few of the iconic sounds of Disneyland. David Collins, Sound Designer and CoHost on STAR WARS OXYGEN, delves into some of the earliest music in Disneyland history, which began with the Sherman Brothers. EXCLUSIVE audio clips ahead…
We also have some audio from the Friends Of The Magic Ghost Host Banquet where Paul Barrie brought in Corey Burton as a guest (as well as Peter Reneday). Some of you may not recognize the name Corey Burton but you’d recognize his voices from STAR WARS: THE CLONE WARS – Count Dooku, Cad Bane and Zero The Hutt.
Our NEW Spotlight Fan Of The Week is DAN BERRY! Editor of Dorksideoftheforce.com as well as Podcast 66.
And as always lots more… #NeverLandOnAlderaan
Special Guests
David Collins – Sound Designer at Sony and CoHost of Star Wars Oxygen on RebelForce Radio. Follow him on Twitter.
Corey Burton – Disney’s Haunted Mansion Holiday Ghost Host and voice of Count Dooku on STAR WARS: THE CLONE WARS.
Dan Berry – Editor of Fansided DorkSideOfTheForce.com. CoHost of Podcast 66. Follow him on Twitter.
Special Thanks to Gary Chambers of The Mouse Lounge. Season 7 begins on August 24th, be sure to tune in.
Check out this episode!
Can you post a direct link for the audio for Episode 44? I’m having trouble trying to download it.
Nevermind. I just realized you’re on Shotglass Digital now. That makes it a lot easier to download. Very awesome news 🙂
Hey Hey! I’ve fixed the download link. Not sure why it was pointing to Episode 45! Enjoy, and thanks for letting me know about this!