Spider-Man’s dons a New Costume in ‘Amazing Spider-Man’ #61
Get an early look at Spider-Man’s new costume coming in Amazing Spider-Man #61 in March with variant covers by Dustin Weaver.
Spider-Man is arguably one of the most recognizable superheroes in the world. His iconic red and blue costume has covered beds, books, television screens, for kids and adults alike. Along with his classic look, Spider-Man has also worn the black suit and the Iron Spider. That’s all about to change in 2021. The famed web-slinger will get an all-new look to add to his already impressive wardrobe. Fashioned by the super-talented artist Dustin Weaver (X-Force), this new design is entirely unlike any costume Peter Parker has worn before. The recent makeover can be seen on Weaver’s variant covers for Amazing Spider-Man #62 and April’s Amazing Spider-Man #63.

“This design was a collaborative effort between Nick Spencer, Editor Nick Lowe, and I. They reined in the more techy features I was bringing and helped create something that I think is simple and both futuristic and classic”, says Weaver during Marvel’s press release. Beyond this, Marvel isn’t revealing much. Regardless, Spider-Man’s new look is sure to leave an impression and it will be interesting to gauge how fans of the wall-crawler will react to the change. Repeat after me, Change is good.
A Spider-Man of a Different Color
The new color scheme is quite a departure from what fans are used to. Instead of the red and blue, Spider-Man’s suit now displays a combination of blue and grey, with orange outlines. The eyes now boast a glowing orange lens inside a black space. This new color scheme may be a lot for a lot of fans to absorb, but one thing we’ve learned from Marvel; they’re not afraid to take risks. Whether or not the change of clothing sticks is still up in the air. If history has taught us anything is that the classic look will return in probably six months.

Continuing writer Nick Spencer’s run, Peter Parker will wear his new duds for his duel between him and Kingpin, which follows the Sin’s Rising arc in Amazing Spider-Man #44-47 which ran from July-October 2020. Judging from the ending of that arc, Kingpin isn’t the only one Spider-Man will have to get through. Learn of the new suits’ origins in March 2021 in Amazing Spider-Man #61 and Amazing Spider-Man #62.
The bone-chilling summary from Marvel of the Sin’s Rising arc describes the series as a showdown between Peter Parker and the demon known as Kindred. Kindred vows his revenge on Spidey by resurrecting the fanatical, Sin-Eater, known as one of Spider-Man’s most disturbing enemies. Meanwhile, The Lethal Legion has returned to menace New York City. Spider-Man has to decide if he should stop Kindred, or turn his attention to Sin-Eater who has targeted the Ravencroft Institute for the Criminally Insane.