Star Warsologies 47: Anthropology in Alien Design


James and Melissa talk with anatomy professor Elizabeth Rega about designing aliens based on humans, primates, and other animals!

In this episode of Star Warsologies, an anatomy professor weighs in on the importance of designing aliens that make sense!

Dr. Elizabeth Rega is an anatomy professor who consults on movies and video games to help creators add an element of realism to their projects. She worked on Mulan, The Emperor’s New Groove, and even the Madden series. Melissa and James ask Elizabeth to speculate wildly about what we can tell about some of our favorite aliens based on the traits they share with humans. Is Klaud related to axolotls? Do Gungans breathe through their butts? What does Yoda look like under his Jedi robes? Fun questions for our anatomy expert!

Show Links:

Read Stephen Jay Gould’s paper about the evolution of Mickey Mouse.
Check out the Max Rebo maquette showing off his two limbs.
Listen to episode 46 where Elizabeth joined our LA Comic Con panel of science advisors.
Check out Elizabeth’s paper about a new species of sloth.

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Star Warsologies is a podcast about science in a galaxy far, far away. Hosts James Floyd and Melissa Miller combine their love of storytelling in the franchise with their keen interest in all things academic.

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