Mike Matessino Interview – Soundtrack Producer, Master Engineer & Audio Archaeologist (Ep 448)

Soundtrack lovers, this episode is for you!! Mike Matessino, film historian & soundtrack producer/mixer/engineer, joins us to discuss his fascinating career. For 30+ years, Mike has edited, mixed, restored, and master engineered expanded & deluxe edition soundtracks such as the Star Wars original trilogy (1997 Special Edition release), Star Trek: The Motion Picture, Planet of the Apes, Hook, Harry Potter, and The Sound of Music – Super Deluxe Edition.

Soundtrack lovers, this episode is for you!! Mike Matessino, film historian & soundtrack producer/mixer/engineer, joins us to discuss his fascinating career. For 30+ years, Mike has edited, mixed, restored, and master engineered expanded & deluxe edition soundtracks such as the Star Wars original trilogy (1997 Special Edition release), Star Trek: The Motion Picture, Planet of the Apes, Hook, Harry Potter, and The Sound of Music – Super Deluxe Edition. Sarah used to pour over Mike’s liner notes on the Star Wars soundtracks in 1997. Richard loves his Planet of the Apes soundtracks. This is an interview 30 years in the making!

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