382: LEGO Star Wars Summer Vacation
Ain’t no party like a LEGO STAR WARS SUMMER VACATION!!! Tune in for a fun interview with Summer Vacation director Ken Cunningham and writer/EP David Shayne, followed by our take on the new ANDOR Trailer.
(0:00) Opening and Today in Star Wars History
(11:42) Richard and Sarah Woloski share their LEGO Star Wars Summer Vacation Review
(22:33) INTERVIEW: Director Ken Cunningham and writer/executive producer David Shayne. Huge thank you to Lucasfilm for this 1:1 interview.
(39:51) Skywalking Shout-Outs
(42:16) ANDOR Trailer 2 comments – we also share your comments and reactions
Autographed Edition with bag, bookmark and limited edition button
Check out these SKYwalking NETwork Podcasts:
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- Totally Tell Me Everything – Two ladies, one topic, three questions. Sarah Woloski and Bryn MacKinnon learn, share and grow.
- Star Warsologies – A podcast about Science and Star Wars
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Never Land on Alderaan!